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Waseem Anwar

Saturday, May 22, 2021

Market Review,Growth,Compettition and Sales Forecast


What will you pay from your pocket?

1- You have to buy Founder position in 97$ before Softlaunch  OR

you have to buy Founder position in 149$ after Softlaunch

 you have to pay this amount every year but you will pay once from your pocket first time,next year this amount will deduct from your profit.

when company will launch officially its called Hard launch,Company will give you 50 digital products at the time of launch,that's why company will not launch directly,before hard launch,company will launch softlaunch for the beta testing of these digital products to check products Error and bugs.

2- you have to buy 50 products at the time of launch,(price will between 100$ and 250$),exact price will announce before hard launch,you have to pay this amount every month but you will pay once first time from your pocket,next month this amount will deduct from your pocket.


Onpassive Important Features

 Onpassive key facts